Our Environmental Statement

A guide for customers, partners and employees on Logicalis’ sustainability commitments

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Logicalis Environmental Statement: Welcome from Bob

During my tenure as Chief Executive Officer, I’ve spent a lot of time considering the impact we have as an organization. There is no doubt in my mind that organizations, like Logicalis, must play a significant role in addressing climate change and making the world a better place.

We are openly committed to becoming carbon neutral on scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025, and already working hard to make radical, proactive changes to achieve our goal. Longer-term we are aiming to become a net zero carbon organisation by 2050.

However, in a world as interconnected as our own, cross-collaboration is crucial to powering progress. As sustainability initiatives continue to move at pace, so Logicalis will push forward with urgency, shaping not only our own efforts but supporting everyone in our orbit to make a positive impact on the planet.

— Bob Bailkoski, CEO

Our mission

At Logicalis, we want to make the world a better place, and our role as a global technology service provider provides both an opportunity and a responsibility to take the lead in contributing solutions for a sustainable future. We strive to improve our environmental performance and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet and are working hard to position our organization as a leading responsible business.

With the right strategy and a proactive mindset, being a responsible business has the power to benefit everyone and deliver impactful, yet sustainable, value for all involved.

Charissa Jaganath, Head of Responsible Business

The sustainability landscape

Customer expectations have pivoted towards profound concern for the environment. In fact, 85% of global consumers have shifted their behavior towards more environmentally conscious practices. In turn, business leaders are being pushed to evaluate their impact on the planet in a more meaningful way. Sustainability has become a boardroom issue, and with attention on action, leaders must become more transparent about their carbon emissions and the steps they are taking to improve their footprint.

In the technology industry specifically, this shift in attitude is clear with almost half (49%) of CIOs in our 2023 global CIO survey telling us they look at carbon output, sustainability and energy efficiency when choosing new suppliers. Businesses urgently need robust plans to lower emissions and reduce their impact on the environment.

With 84% of employees being more likely to work for companies that prioritize environmental issues, mindfully managing and limiting the impact of business activities is imperative to overcoming the ongoing talent shortages.

In light of the IPCC’s sixth iteration of its AR6 synthesis report, it is clear that to limit the effects of human-induced climate change, more must be done. As business leaders, we are responsible to our employees, customers, and the world we live in to go beyond everyday efforts to hold ourselves accountable for our carbon emission output. A livable, sustainable future is still within our grasp, but only if we make the necessary efforts now. There is no time to waste.

49% of CIOs in our 2023 global CIO survey telling us they look at carbon output, sustainability and energy efficiency when choosing new suppliers.


84% of employees are more likely to work for companies that prioritize environmental issues.

Our sustainability pledges

We will set a clear sustainability agenda and be transparent about how we are moving towards it through our company’s actions and messaging.

We will set a science-based carbon reduction goal that will get us to net zero.

We will transparently report on our scope one, scope two and scope three emissions as a global organization.

We will help our customers identify ways to incorporate environmental sustainability practices into their business.

We will partner and collaborate with others within our orbit (including customers, partners and competitors) to promote and support better sustainability practices.

We will provide our managed services customers with an environmental impact score to help them understand their IT emissions, alongside recommendations on how to improve.

We will work towards sustainable workplaces that make Logicalis a great place to work and support our employee actions that reduce their own and our company’s carbon footprint.

We will continue to champion local in-country sustainability projects through our annual sustainability challenge.

We will encourage low carbon alternatives for commuting through our new travel policy.

To provide objective evidence of the above commitments being met.

Our reporting and commitments


In December 2022 we announced a significant milestone on our carbon reduction journey. Logicalis has officially committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Corporate Zero Standard – the world’s first framework for corporate net zero target setting in line with climate science.

Through this commitment, Logicalis joins the world’s largest group of companies actively driving the reduction in global emissions and further demonstrates our commitment to being carbon neutral by 2025

Carbon Disclosure Project

Following many years of work with the CDP, we have deepened the scope of our reporting to better understand our current greenhouse emissions baseline.

We now have a view of our total carbon emissions as a global organization, across scope one, two and three emissions.

Engaging EcoVadis

We’ve engaged with global rating organization, EcoVadis to give us a holistic understanding of our ESG performance across areas such as labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

This rating enables us to demonstrate how sustainable and responsible we are as a global organisation.

Supporting our customers' sustainability

Launch of customer sustainability score – across our global technology solutions, we’ve developed scoring mechanisms that enable our customers to understand their IT emissions, with recommendations on how they can improve. All offered as a scalable, agile, managed service.

Our strategic partnership specialisations

We’re proud to be part of Cisco’s global initiative to responsibly repurpose and recycle end-of-use products.

We currently hold the Cisco environmental sustainability specialization in 11 countries across the world (Australia, Germany, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, UK, US, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Ireland) and will continue to build on this. We’re passionate to be playing our part in driving the circular economy.

Our short-term targets and policies


We have recently launched an e-waste policy and regional plans as a step toward our commitment to divert a minimum of 50% of the waste generated by our operations from landfill over the next 3 years.

Global travel

Partnering with climate group RouteZero we’ve implemented a new sustainable travel policy, geared to help us make smarter travel choices and reduce our overall scope 3 emissions.

Renewable energy

We have committed to having 75% of our operations powered by renewable energy and 50% of the waste generated by our operations diverted from landfill by FY25. We have already converted 25% of operations to renewable energy sources.

Our performance

Baseline emissions footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced before the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Baseline Year: 2022

Additional details relating to the baseline emissions calculations.

2022 is the initial baseline for Scope 1,2, and 3 carbon emissions for Logicalis.

*Please note that scope 1 and 2 emissions data has not been assured. Scope 3 data has been determined using spend-methodology but will become more detailed and accurate over the next 2-3 years.

Baseline emissions by region

Our scope 1 and 2 initiatives

We have a range of initiatives to target our scope 1 and 2 emissions starting from this year including:

  • Energy reduction target of 2% for all Europe and Latin America operations
  • Energy reduction target of 5% for South Africa, North America, Australian and Asia operations
  • A target to continue our switch to renewable energy with all operations achieving the switch by 2030

       >> 2024: Spain, UK

       >> 2025: Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Channel Islands

       >> 2027: Singapore

       >> 2028: USA, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia

       >> 2029: Brazil

       >> 2030: Chile

  • For operations with mobile fleets (European operations) we have made a commitment to switch to electric or biodiesel fuel at a rate of 6% per year.
  • Progress our waste management journey by extending the scope of our management plans and policy from e-waste to general waste.
  • Responsible business training for all employees by the end of 2023

Our scope 3 initiatives

We are committed to ensuring that 80% of our suppliers spend and the use of sold products, will have science-based targets by 2026. We are creating industry alliances and supporting research and development where possible. 


Engaging with our top 10 suppliers to ensure they have science-based targets in place by 2025 to start.

Engaging with our top 10 emissions specifically from purchased goods, services and product use.

Developing procurement policies that will assist in selecting low emission alternative suppliers.

Engaging with suppliers to help them develop their own science-based targets.

Responsible business governance

Logicalis’ responsible business governance and communication framework was developed with consideration to the World Economic Forum guidelines, which recommends metrics that are aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and principal Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) domains of Governance, Planet, People and Prosperity.

We are a signatory to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), support the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and UN Sustainable Development Goals and have committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Corporate Net Zero Standard.

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